
Let's Find the Perfect Connection for You: Live Chat or Scheduled Messaging


In our 10 years of software platform experience, we've seen the power of online therapy in reaching young people who might hesitate to seek traditional counselling. breathe offers a safe and secure platform for this by providing two fantastic options:

    • Real-time chat sessions: This can be a great way to connect quickly and easily, perfect for those who prefer a more immediate interaction.
    • Weekly scheduled messaging: This option allows for thoughtful reflection and exchange of ideas at your own pace. It's a fantastic choice for young people who feel more comfortable expressing themselves through writing, or who prefer to take breaks and process their thoughts before responding.

Think of it as putting the therapy journey in your control! Whether clients prefer a back-and-forth chat or a more considered exchange, breathe empowers clients to choose the method that best suits their comfort level and needs.

Additionally, online therapy can be incredibly convenient. It can be a great solution for young people facing challenges like trust issues, mobility limitations, or busy schedules that make in-person therapy difficult.

Let's explore which option feels most empowering for you! We're here to support you every step of the way on your journey to help and support young people.

Enable remote working on any device, for counsellors & clients to access from anywhere.

Schedule sessions and send your own outcome measure forms such as CORE (YP/Adult).

Tag and record presenting and emerging issues for each client.

Automated session reminders and risk alert notifications with bespoke email templates.


Top Rated counselling software platform for young people

Co-created in partnership with charities and non-profits to benefit the community


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Online Support for Youths

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Annual plans start from £975 /year